Three years after the illegal invasion of Iraq by the Bush/Blair Axis of Testosterone all we've got there is a bloody mess, and it is getting messier by the day. There is (belatedly) some kind of democratic government, but it appears to have little authority, and the population is gradually splitting into two warring groups - the Shias and the Sunnis - who seem content to continue blowing each other up as a kind of side-show to the other source of trouble, the "imported" terrorists who just want to create mayhem for the Iraqi government and the U.S./British forces.
Many Iraqis are scared to join the Police for fear of being assassinated. Sunnis and Shia communities are using their own militia to protect them. There is even talk by the Iraqi government about the need to divide Baghdad into two separated communites.
Why are we still there? Why are our servicemen and women being put at risk for no good reason? It's an utter disgrace and so far as I am concerned the UK government has lost all credibility and respect over joining this ridiculous American operation; and as far as I can see the American people are also having severe doubts about this Bush adventure. Of course, there are still some diehards whose level of debate on this issue seriously undermines their claim to be in possession of any IQ, such as one comment I saw on a website the other day which advocated "Bombing the hell out any country run by towel-heads". God protect us from that kind of mentality!
You mean a civil war in Iraq? ....NO? Really? I called this one when Bush Co. first made the misguided decision to go into this quagmire. As I've heard it said before...Democracy is like sex, you can't force it on someone and expect it to turn out well. As for the "stay the course" "git r done" crowd, they scare the hell out of me. I run into these neanderthals every now and again and their tunnel vision never ceases to amaze me. They still believe that Iraq has something to do with 9-11 (we can thank the Rove propaganda machine for that one) and that it's better to "fight them over there". Unfortunately, these are the same people listening daily to Rush Limbaugh and watching Fox news and don't even get me started on Ann Coulter. One of my fondest dreams is to give that woman a good hard pimp-slap across her smug face. I can only hope that the American populace has wised up at least a few percentage points over the last 2 years and we'll at least be able to take back Congress in the midterms. I am sure however, that the right wing political strategists are looking for a new carrot to put on the stick come election time. After all the gay marriage referendum worked to bring out the base last time. By the way, what do you think of the whole stem cell Pish Posh..who needs it.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
I love reading larjmarj's comments! If I ever need a reason to keep on posting Blogs then this is as good as any.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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