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23 July 2006

Hot News - Blog Entry Changes Weather

Soon after I had posted yesterday's entry concerning the unrelenting heat and generally arid conditions my part of country received two prolonged drenchings accompanied by displays of lightning and thunder. This surfeit of H2O from the heavens not only washed out the neighbour's proposed barbecue to which we had been invited, but also amply demonstrated that one of my downpipes was seriously blocked and in need of urgent attention, requiring complete dismantling to remove the blockage. I did the job between the two electrical storms, just in time for the second storm to put the system to the test - which I am pleased to say it passed.

I read today that the Chief Constable of the North Wales Police maintains a Blog, from which it transpires that his favourite way of "taking a day off" is to get back into uniform again and go to a particular stretch of highway to spend the day doing speed checks on vehicles. How sad is that?!


Larjmarj said...

That is sad, that man needs to learn to relax. I've often thought that I need to teach a course on the fine art of slacking and procrastination since I am a Jedi Master when it comes to doing as little as possible when I'm not at work.

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Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.