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05 May 2008

Boris Johnson London Mayor - 1st Speech 2 April 2008

More people would take an interest in politics if all the major political parties encouraged outspoken, free-thinking, humorous politicians like Boris Johnson, instead of the usual cheerless, on-message automatons that seem to be the order of the day at the moment.


Roberta said...

Hi there!

I like the fact you're adding video to your page. Very interesting and fun.

Anonymous said...

I'd say this is worth a 2nd case of champagne, but probably not a third. Boris has said that "Islam is the problem...", so he's got that going for him too.

Boris may be a buffoon, but at least he's not a communist one.

Bloody good news! Praise the Lord! Thank God! There is hope for Londonistan. What will Red Ken do next?

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
elect a communist

someone who will work full-time
to destroy your country


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