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10 August 2006

Critical Security Alert

The first item I hear on the news at 7 o'clock this morning is that the US and the UK are on the highest security alert following the arrest of 21 British citizens in connection with a plot to blow up a number of air liners in mid-flight. All our airports are now in chaos. Whilst all remain open, passengers are no longer being allowed to take any hand luggage on board. They are being restricted to travel documents, passport and prescription medicines. No newspapers, books, children's toys, laptops. The consequent delays are causing aircraft to back up on the ground, and further incoming flights have had to be diverted.

I am thankful for a couple of things: (1) I'm not proposing to fly anywhere right now, and (2) these bastards have been identified and arrested by the security forces.

I hope everyone has noticed how the Bush/Blair Axis of Testosterone joint foreign policies, military actions, the so-called War on Terror, and political reactions to events in the Middle East over the past two or three years has made the world so much safer!!(?)


Anonymous said...

What disturbing news today.

God bless England, British Intelligence, street police and everyone involved in this bust.

Nora said...

Awful situation. I came here via a knitting blog (of all things) and I'm hooked. Your posts are very well written. I'll be back!

Larjmarj said...

Hmmm a knitting blog, go figure. You're gonna love this one. The Republican National Committee sent out fund raising e-mails within hours of the arrests calling for people to support the party of Bush Co. since they are obviously on the ball with the war on terror. What a sleazy bunch, they will take credit for anything if they think will fill their coffers.
Good job by Scotland Yard!!