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05 November 2008

Pleased to be proved wrong

A few months ago, on this Blog, I predicted that John McCain would win the US Presidential Election.

How wrong can one be?!

But I'm pleased I was wrong, and I hope now that we can all stop using the phrase "America's first BLACK President" and start looking at the man himself instead of his colour.

Good decision, America!


Larjmarj said...

I am so glad you were wrong, ecstatic really.

I just listened to his victory speech all the way through, I still have chills and tears in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Remember the Maggie years for us, the first women Prime Minister. History as now been made in the US, now is the time to put it all into pratice. There is some disturbing gossip going around on in the net that his demise is already being planed, how sick is that----