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11 September 2008

Searching for the "God Particle"

Well, the CERN Large Hadron Collider has been switched on, and God knows what the 10,000 scientists involved are going to find when they start smashing these atomic particles together at nearly the speed of light. One wag has already suggested that, far from seeing what happened a millionth of a second after the "big bang", we might see what happened a millionth of a second before the "big bang" and it might be that what we shall see will be scientists switching on the ORIGINAL Collider!!

Anyway, I suspect that even if they find "Higgson's Boson" (or the "God Particle") I suspect we shall not be any the wiser. After all, assuming they find it, one then has to ask the question "Where did THAT come from?"

Was there NOTHING before that? What is the nature of NOTHING? How does NOTHING become SOMETHING?

Answers on a postcard please ..


Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Riverman

Yes!I'm here again,just a few words before I put the cat out and away to ma bed.Now that humorous and witty wag could be right you know,If we are traveling at the speed of light toward some distant planet at what point do we start to slow down?.Is it not just a bloody waste of argent ,pardon my french to be doing all this.Just think someone could be right now looking at us through a microscope.We could be in a lab on a slide surrouded by a load of old wags,I can just hear them saying God what are they up to now!.They of course won't have wet pants my friend oh no,they probably have no need for testosterone,or TAMSULOSIN

Another alcohol free day signing off......anonymous....

Anonymous said...

Mr Beck
Please excuse ma spelling. What an excellent website yu have put together,a found it very interesting with such a contrast of different things it does ya credit.ya poetry is really deep,ya certainly have a hidden talent.A would like to make a point about the anonymous guy who talks about the drug prostrakan,tamsulosin hydrochloride. Is this guy for real! Am 81 years old and I have taken this drug for years,It does work, although there are sideaffects,there are 4.5m of ma fellow Americans taking this drug.

The drug is manufactured under various names and without it there would be 4.5m dribbling male Americans.A cannot understand this guys sence of hummour,A work half days every week driving a large yellow school bus,tamsulosin helps me to do that.A would never get the kids to school on time with out it,a love ma job ,and a love the kids a guess they keep me young. If you say things like that to-day buddie people think ya mean somethin'else it sure is a crying shame,its sad.Ma granson rang me up the other week and told me to check ya out,This anonymous guy he don't know nothin'.My granson he reads an awful lot,well at least till they turn the lights out.Yea ya guessed it he serving 10/15 in the state pen,stealing hub caps and a few other things but he a good kid,his daddies there to but he his bad. Aint that life buddie,ma wife Martha she 78 years young,she says a ougta give up ma job.They gonna brung ya home in a pine box she keeps saying,yea a guess but as long as a keep passing ma med checks am gonna carry on.a reckon Mr Beck ya would make a good English President of our great country ya sure could not do any worse.Well am appologising for taking up ya time,its time a was getting some shut eye all the best in ya website
Alf blocker Tampa bay

Anonymous said...

Hello to you mr riverman
If these blokes find god before finding the other thing,i would like his telephone ask why, its simple really i want to claim some insurance money off the big chief. my insurance company recently refused my claim,they said it was an act of god.If good old billy connally can do it there you go.I like your web/blog site,nice name you've got like i have heard your name lots of times but i just don't seem to put my finger on the button all the best
G Best retired

Anonymous said...

If this is The Rivermans web site and my brother in law as just shouted in my ear saying it is,i am eternaly (and i hope i will be) gratefull to you.I shall now try to explain,i have a lot to say so i hope you have the time and the inclination to read all this sir.My good lady wife Elsa was surfing the net(that is what you call it she says so)looking for anything about britian,she went through tons of sites and landed on yours,my brother in law as just said you should say click,i understand we call it click Bob. Start off on the right foot my brother in law as just again shouted to me,i no i should'nt be typeing that in but i think it might help to put you in my front room,does that sound crazy to you Mr riverman.Elsa was excited when she saw some comments made by a guy called Alf Blocker from Tampa Bay,now if this is the same sun of a gun i hope it is.This guy i have not seen for 42years thats a long time,if you add another 38 onto that then that will give you my age.So the age is right, the name is right and in the good lord we trust so it should be right.Let me get down to the grit of it,we both lived in Amarillo, an Englishman like yourself will know thats glorious Texas.Block if i have got my math right is a year on from myself at81,i am 80,Elsa says he has wrote on your site to say he still works,driving a goddam school bus.Pardon me for blaspheming,how does he do that at his age.Both our daddies served in the 2nd war my dad was 3o years old when he went in, i was 2, thats right Elsa has just said.Praise the Lord they both came out ok but mom said my daddie was never the same after.When Block and i were about 6 or moms took us to the Panhandle Museum we were both bored stiff sure were.Mom went to the fist production of the butterfly thing at the old opra house she talked about it for days.All the kids in our town wanted to be cowboys, we were no different,it was around about 1944 feeling the way we did we joined the Farley Ranch.The old tasosa court house,we were wild things our moms thought this would straighten us up,it had the opposite effect.We were both kicked out ,farley opened the girls town about 6 years later now that would have been something else.I got married to elsa 1948 i was 20 years old thats right she's just shouted out again,elsa will you please hush up.Oh dear thats torn it,she as just said i will not say another thing.I hope you're taking all this in young fella,where was i, ok a couple of years before that Block and his family moved to Tampa bay.Now we did try to keep intouch but with all the best intentions in the world we lost out,i never heard or saw my old buddie after that.In 1966 we moved to Scurry County a place called Snyder,bin there ever since,most of both of our families are here.There were loads of things Block and i had in common then.If this is the sun of a gun it sounds like we have another thing to, we both take the drug Tamsulosin.Now i rightly should say my thanks to the other guy,the one who entered your site talking about drugs and stuff. Both Elsa and i have convinced ourself's that the person his my friend alf blocker.It just as to be,no one only this guy writes and spells like that.I remember at school no teacher no matter how hard they tried always failed,he always reverted back to his own way.Teachers have a hard time of it to-day.We hope he will click onto your site again ,maybe see this and respond to it.Tomorrow, as elsa as just shouted across to me, lets ring up some places in Tampa.We will do that dear tomorrow like i have just said.Let me explain somethin to you When i type or write anything Mr Riverman i mouth it out to,its a bad habit sure.Well its time for me to go,again i say many thanks to you and your web site its been a nice chatting to you.
JR from Snyder.

Anonymous said...

What holds religion together? It must be one thing, the resurrection. If you take that away, disregard the exaggeration of events by a suspicious and illiterate population, What have you left! Just a theatrical performance, from someone who today might just win an Oscar----