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23 August 2008

Georgia - the Smell of Appeasement

There is a smell of 1930s-type appeasement in the air. The recent Russian incursion into Georgian territory and the reaction of the NATO countries to Russia's outrageous behaviour reminds me of the pathetic attempts to appease Adoph Hitler's Germany before the 2nd World War.

Clearly the Georgian President made an error of judgement in trying to act tough with the ethnic Russians of South Ossetia, but this does not excuse the Russian incursion into the sovereign territory of a neigbouring democratic State.

Georgia wants (or had wanted) to join NATO. The lily-livered response by the European NATO countries to the Russian invasion, and their hesitancy over admitting Georgia for fear of upsetting Russia is disgusting. Russia needs to know that we are prepared to draw boundaries on international behaviour, even if it means we put at risk some of our power supplies for which we are increasingly vulnerable to Russian whims. Russia is becoming rich on their supplies of oil and gas and it is inconceivable that they would be happy to start losing their new-found markets for the stuff.

As it is, Russia knows that democratic Europe is frightened of upsetting it. So what's next? Ukraine? Lithuania? Estonia? Latvia? Russia pretends to be a democracy, and I suppose that compared to the Communist era it has some of the trappings of democracy but that is far as it goes. There is no real freedom of expression and the State has a tight grip on the news media. Vladimir Putin has ceased to be President and is now Prime Minister, but still appears to call the shots and is what one might generously describe as a benevolent dictator (if that's not an oxymoron).

It's about time we in the rest of Europe started to stand up for what is right instead of turning a blind eye to what is wrong in the hope that no more wrong will be done.


Anonymous said...

Mr Riverman
What we need is another JFK yes you heard it right i know he was a loose cannon but he sure as hell showed them Cubies where it was at You don't come much closer than that crisis do you Mr riverman now thats not your real name now is it you may have noticed theres no commas or full stops in my typing well thats because i dont use them i dont stop for anything im always comming on good and good luck to you ok just to please you i will give you one .wow that hurt signing off
Jesse James no that no joke i dont joke around about my that hurt god bless JFK
Jesse is a cool

Anonymous said...

Becks Blog
Peace in our time, whose peace and whose time. Are we really, really crazy or what getting ourself allied to these countries. What is happening to-day in the world is fullfilling a prophecy, the war to end all wars. The 3rd world war, will start with the small countries. A call to arms will come from them, where are our allies? Oops! in deep shit, we will be,the whole infrastructure of our planet will turn to organized chaos, and start to collapse,we are now on a collision course to destiny.Chapter 2 tomorrow,only kidding,all normal production will stop and be taken over to produced armament,and munitions, planes, guns, tanks, ships,etc,etc,etc. Do you get the feeling of deja vu, here or what. The war as now gone on for 6 months, so far it as cost in lives more than both wars before it,but now its a double oops! the SUPER POWERS have now been sucked into the conflict.Food shortage, oil,gas,electric,etc etc etc, well you have all been moaning about the price of the bloody stuff. Its deja vu again but not for long,the SUPER POWERS did learn something from the last two conflicts.DON'T FUCK WITH US,WE DON'T FUCK ABOUT.So its lights out for me and lights out for well what do you have only got three seconds to answer,oop! sorry to L A T E!!!!!!!
Nice blog
R.U.Skared. Poland.

Anonymous said...

Mr Saakashvili remains adamant that he did not start the war. The georgians are handing out evidence, including telephone intercepts, to show that large amounts of Russian troops entered South Ossetia through the Roki tunnel on August 7th,long before the Georgians began bombarding the south Ossetian capital. Will they ever get to the bottom of this, i think maybe no.