The Church of England Synod, meeting in York yesterday, accepted the principle of women bishops. Naturally the proposal created much controversy, causing many leading old farts in dresses to call for a breakaway Church loyal to the practice of male domination.
To my mind, once the Church had accepted the ordination of women as priests a few years ago, then the next logical step would be female bishops. I think the Church has made the right decision, and if some Neanderthals in holy orders want to break away, then the Church of England will be much improved without them.
One of the (many) great evils in this world is the existence of societies in which the concept of male domination and the assignment of women to subsidiary roles is regarded as the norm. It is a blight on many religious groups, including both Islam and Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church is a prime example.
It is therefore wholly laudable that the Church of England (which is, after all, the United Kingdom's established Church) has at last aligned itself with the equality laws passed by the UK Parliament.
Hello Mr Riverman.
This is virgin space,I am the first to type in it,and I am anyone.I say to you If the old farts were all farting maybe they all had wet pants as well. You and I dear Mr Rivermann know the cure for wet pants, Its called all to gether now, TAMSULOSIN....
Its off and over from anonymous
To Becks Blog
Are all the men in dresses wrong- doers. If you consider at what percentage of the clergy come under suspicion of homosexuality I would say there are a hell of a lot of wrong-doers. If that is not the case then may be we should change the definition of the word suspicion in the Collins dictionary. It says suspected of doing wrong, I rest my case. Now thats under the eyes of the law, but what about the eyes of the law of god. What does it say about homosexuality there, well I don't know! But I know a man who does, and its not the AA man. The man we are talking about, the man in the dress as your blog says. He can tell us if he is doing wrong, this hypocrite, a man who pretends to be what he is not or she! Maybe they don't want the women because it reminds them of what they should be, horny clergy men, but horny with honesty and honour. Thats a mouthfull of H is it not, think a moment about the H its almost the start of a small ladder, put a line at the top, one at the bottom you have the start of it. This of cause is not the ladder to heaven, its the ladder to HELL for these chaps, and they sure as hell no it. Women should have no obstacle put in there way in the church, just make them staight. I was brought up C/E I am now in my 70s, sure this must have gone on then can I say that with any confidence, no I cannot. If there was any hanky panky it was done in the closit, and we all know what we really should be doing in there don't we. Possibly and I like to think this, they were ashamed of there little secret, and so they should have been. Consider if we were all homosexuals/lesbions then the world population would stop,if there parents had not been heterosexual they would not be here, you and I would not be here, my next door neighbour would not be here. Your next door neighbour would not be here, sorry what was that if dreams could come true well keep on wishing Mr beck. We all have human rights, but for sure this his not how homosapiens should behave. Lots of people will not agree with my piont of view well thats fine, but I am from the old school of thinking. If I want to express an opinion I will do, I don't need human rights to do so.
G.H.KRISTE. Sunderland.
Riverman/ Becks Blog.
There is an awful lot of men in the world to-day taking the drugs for there prostate problem. All I can say to anyone out there thats having difficulty with it is have it checked out. Its not a big deal,honest injun. Get yourself down to your doctors, they will listen to you. And that person on Becks Blog is right, if you are dribbling and other things you may have a problem. Two of my family members have had the worse thing prostate cancer, thats scary.
Den. Recnok. Scotland.
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