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16 July 2008

Englishman for President!

It's going to be a tough call against Barak Obama, and then of course there's the small problem of the American Constitution, but what the hell - I'll give it a go!


Marcia said...

My Dear Future Mr. President,

You have my vote.. Who better to lead the country but an English Gentleman who has brains and common sense to guide folks along the right way...
I liked my ad better!!!!!
Ha! Ha!.
Love Always, Marcia

Anonymous said...

Don't even consider standing for president,they will eat you up and spit you out.Don't get me wrong now! i mean that in a nice way,we can still say nice can't we, what other words can we still say.At one time i could have called you a nice looking gay guy, but now you will just have to do with nice guy.Unless you're still in the closet,let me make a deal with you riverman ,if you decide to stand for PM i promise to vote for you and call you MR hows that.
D Beckham.

Anonymous said...

Its late,no its not, I'm tired,no you can't be,I've got a lousy head ache,no its all in your mind,I ache all over,ache thats not possible,I cannot do this,yes you can,I cannot do that,that is same as this so you can,the cats pissed all over the duvet,no its not,keep the frigging cat out of the bedroom,why, The dog as smelled the cat piss,i don't think it as, I want some of that he thinks so he does what he does best,no he doesn't hes a good dog, do I have to say it people,use imagination but don't be taken in. Black is black, no its not,I have such a hang over,no its in your mind, I'm really hung over,well we're all hung over some time, get use to it. But its not my fault,oh yes it is, My mouth is dry but thats not from drinking to much,yes it is,the vacum as gone on the blink no its just full up, the washing machine as broken down, no you put to much washing in it.The reason for all that rubbish is to say to you Mr riverman Do you think maybe you got carried away the future Mr president lie,lie,lie.Now referring to one of your article,THE ROYALS lets all stand for the national anthem.If and its a big one you fancy stimulating your fantasy for presidency, you will either have to tell porkie pies(lies)or somehow huff(bluff) your way though the whole charade.How absurd it all is, I think you might just stand a slim chance.Our cousins over the water are likened to custom officers,easly fooled. Thats why we have a bunch of idiots ruling us,and a country full of illegals.So for the sake of your country and the presidency try not to talk treason Mr Beck.Lie for your presidency Your stuff i love,well i like it,but remember the film Elizabeth and Essex.The good looking guy played Essex,(errol flynn)my mother was in love with the guy,of course she had to fall in line with millions of others.Elizabeth said to him "you speak teason sir".Essex replied "fluently ma'am".Now Flynn died in 1959 at the ripe young age of 50, long after Essex lost his head for treason.He was suppose to have been screwing around with old Liz,the black rod though is a different matter its long black and made of wood.It would be very,very, painful,with all the jokes in my pocket i find that i do agree with 95% of your comments. To that you can either feel good,or think i don't give a stuff what people think.The monarchy you love them or hate them,i don't love them i like them.A lot of dosh comes into the country,because of them its got to be useful to the British economy,simple economics.Be prepared to put up with a little shit,Prince Charlie comes to mind.(who's talking treason now)Get rid of all the hangers on sure,out of our hands yes.Have a modern britian,that does not mean we get rid of the monarchy.All my wishes to you,they are all good ones.Best of look with the black rod.
Mr Muffin.

Anonymous said...

Your Blogg, Sept 03 yes o3.

You say the nicest things about us, Mr Beck like an American in Paris I am an American in England. I have ancestry of English, Irish, and yes you've guessed Scottish.I am proud of all them, been checking your comments (sept 03) on our hospitality, glad you liked it and glad you appreciated it. In this troubled world to-day we sure get a raw deal,I think the term British use is get some stick. With out appearing to get on my soap box, someone as to do it and be prepared to die in the process, and we sure as hell are doing that and so are you guys. We bless you for that,I have put this under your President blog, and just realized I have called you Mr blogg at the begining. I will change that but just remember there goes an honest guy.If you think you can put up with every thing that goes on in the biuld up to the Presidency, be my guest. The first Englishman to be the leader of this great country U.S.A now that would be something would'nt it. You've certainly got a good sounding name to start you off with.I say to you have a good day now, good luck with the web site.

A Yanky in England...

Anonymous said...

We value your opinion Your chance to vote,Barack or McCain closing date midnight London time on November 1st.