In particular, what are the Cheshire Police for?
Adam Swellings, Jordan Cunliffe and Stephen Sorton - all semi-permanently drunk teenage vandals on the rampage in Warrington - have at last been sent to prison "for life", but for this piece of justice to be done they had to kick a father of three to death outside his own home for daring to confront them. But for months before this happened this gang of drunken sub-human idiots had regularly terrorised decent people, and in spite of constant complaints to the Police, local officers were either unable or unwilling to anything about them.
The ringleader of the gang has had at least 11 previous convictions for assault, and breaches of restraining orders. Not long before murdering Garry Newlove outside his home he had been arrested for punching a man who caught him damaging his car. He was remanded in custody but some JP with half a brain allowed him out on bail on condition that he stayed away from the streets of Warrington.
I am wondering when we are going to reach the point when we all accept that thugs who inflict physical punishment on innocent people should themselves have physical punishment inflicted on them. How much longer are we going to be so ridiculously soft on these dregs of society. And I am wondering when the Police are going to get off their arses and help us reclaim our streets. And I am wondering when - on those welcome occasions when the Police do round them and bring them to court - our magistrates and judges will back them up by not releasing them back into the community again with a slap on the wrist and an instruction to stay away from certain areas.
Wake up England, for God's sake!
Amazing, looks like the UK system of justice is taking it's cues from the US. There must be a better answer for these repeat offenders but I don't know what it is, they seem to like jail and they know how to work the system.
Hello Mr Riverman
I agree with you 100%,i am not a religious man and i have no problems with my fellow man or woman who are.Some of us need and get comfort in there beliefs thats fine,do you not think it is possible that alot of the problems in to-days society is down to i call do gooders.Ok what doe's the word society mean,wellput simply its a group of people(you/me and a few million others)forming a community together.Now if you don't want to be part of that situation and share the common aim and interest of that culturethen get the hell out of it,but in doing so you must be prepared to suffer the consequent of your actions,and be resonsible for them.To hell with human rights, we are not useing the rights correctly.To a large degree they are working against the law abidding people of this small round ball that we all live on and call planet earth.Who thinks of these things,it beggers belief,take away there TAMSULOSIN let them walk around for awhile with wet pants. DO you think they will like that,i am being flippant but the point is this if the people that we have democratically voted to be our representative(goverment)get there fingers out of there arses,stop all this pretension and take something from these morons(eye for eye) the message might eventually get though.No human rights for you mate ,unless you behave like a human...
Its off and over from
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