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03 October 2007

Inside Bush's Brain - not a nice place

George W Bush has vetoed a Bill aimed at increasing health care for children in the USA. It had bipartisan support in Congress, but Bush has said, "I happen to believe that what you're seeing when you expand eligibility for federal programs is the desire by some in Washington, D.C. to federalize health care. I don't think that's good for the country."

Representative Rahm Emanuel, a Democrat of Illinois, said "Today the president showed the nation his true priorities: $700 billion for a war in Iraq, but no health care for low-income kids."

I agree with Emanuel. Moreover, I should like to ask - precisely what is so wrong with the concept of Federal Health Care?!

The man is a disgrace. Thank God the American people have only got to put up with him for another 16 months.


Larjmarj said...

The Republicans are masters of using fear to manipulate. (Karl Rove). One of the issues that they have managed to frighten people about is nationalized health care. The argument that they have put forth is that such a program would lead to substandard health care, having to wait to have necessary surgeries and less access to needed medications and tests.
Which really from my standpoint isn't such a bad thing given the shopping cart mentality of some physicians. Surgeries are performed on demand and the over use of prescription drugs? (don't get me started). People would be forced to actually be a little more proactive regarding their health, they might have to (gasp)..lead healthier lifestyles as opposed to the "I'll just take a pill or get surgery to fix my problem". I personally don't see why we can't have both. There are so many uninsured people in this country most of them families with children. Sickening given the amount of money that he has pumped in to his illegal and immoral war. Yet...he still has his true believers here. As I was driving home yesterday there was a woman in front of me with a bumper sticker that read "W...still the president", that's when I realized that it was a good idea that I never had a push bar installed on the front of my car. I'd have been too tempted to ram the hell out of her!

Riverman said...

The Republicans certainly use fear to manipulate, and in this case they are using it to cover their own fear, and that is that their medical mates might lose their big fat lucrative way of life. I've lived under a "socialised" medical care system for many years here in the UK and have never received sub-standard health care. Also, here in the UK if we want to choose private medical care we are free to do so, and I therefore agree with largmarj's question: why can't the USA have both?

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Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.