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27 May 2007

Water above me, water beneath me.

Good news for my half dozen readers! It's a blog-free week coming up. My wife and I are off on a narrow-boat holiday on the Rochdale Canal. We aim to cruise from Sowerby Bridge to Todmorden and back. We shall have to negotiate more than 30 manually operated locks, so the opportunities for hard physical exercise and loss of weight are enormous, but there will also be opportunities to put the weight back on in canalside pubs!

Those nice people at the meteriological office are forecasting a week of cold winds and rain (thanks guys!) but at least being forewarned is being forearmed. Since these boats are driven by standing in the open at the stern (the blunt end), yesterday I equipped myself with full waterproof clothing, i.e., hood, jacket and leggings, during which I came to the conclusion that specialist sports shops are rip-off merchants par excellence. As I browsed through my local sports shop I thought "They're having a laugh aren't they?" .. £120 for a packable waterproof coat and £90 for waterproof overtrousers? I don't think so! I went to a general utilities and clothing store in the next town and got the lot for £25.


Anonymous said...

Just read about your week away. Your trip sounds wonderful, despite the weather forecast, and the mandatory new waterproof wardrobe! (Am hoping to see a picture or two of you in those leggings.) I hope you have a great time drinking lots of that extra-dark-and gooey British beer. Stay safe. x

Larjmarj said...

Have fun and be safe, I'm with Roberta on the leggings pics...mandatory I'm afraid. Have a pint for me ;-)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.