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05 April 2007

Everything in Moderation

"Spammers" are everywhere. If they don't get into your e-mail system they are invading your Website or Blog.

I've had several spam hits on this Blog site masquerading as comments. They usually say something like You've got a great site here and then provide a link to some commercial site or a site of dubious nature.

This is why I have now enabled "Moderated Comments". Please understand that I am not seeking to change what any genuine contributor is saying. All that happens is that any comment posted on this site is sent to my e-mail address before it appears on the Blog. If I can see the comment is spam I delete it. Any other genuine comment gets my approval for posting and it appears on the Blog.

1 comment:

Larjmarj said...

I was spammed once on my blog, that's when I started doing the security info.
Amazing how insidious that stuff is, my mail program is pretty good at catching it though.