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06 March 2007

One man went to mow...

This must be some kind of record: the first few days into March and I've had to mow all our lawns! Had I left it any longer it would have been totally unmanageable by the Spring. In truth the grass was so long that it was more like tackling a lush meadow. Yet another phenonomen related to our changing climate. Britain has enjoyed yet another very benign winter, with very few prolonged periods of below-freezing temperatures, and just two or three days of significant snow. The biggest problem has been periods of intense rainfall causing local flooding.

Still on garden-related matters, we now appear to have a pheasant permanently in residence. He's a fine fat specimen and no doubt would make a pretty good meal, but I have resisted the temptation to catch it and strangle it. (Actually, not being a huntin' shootin' fishin' kind of guy I doubt if I could bring myself to do it, and I get some pleasure from watching him strut about, picking up tit-bits that have fallen from the assorted bird feeders hanging in the plum tree.)

He's a very wise bird confining his life to the local gardens. Out in the woods with his friends he would be fair game for some shooting party or other.


Anonymous said...

One Woman I Know Plows Through Snow.....

I am so jealous of your lush meadow!! Several inches of snow on the way here tonight. I've had it!! I give up!!! UNCLE!!!


Larjmarj said...
