I've just been watching a discussion on TV about blogging. It is the new craze. It is the democratization of news presentation and analysis. It gives the ordinary person the opportunity to react with others on the issues of the day, whether they be big international events or something small in the blogger's personal life. It is so big that the "establishment" is now well into it, with TV presenters, newpaper journalists, and politicians producing their own professional blogs. It is said that the ordinary British blogger can attract an audience of up to 35,000 which is bigger than the circulation of some weekly political magazines. E-mails, site comments, and discussion threads are feeding the frenzy of debate amongst Joe Public. I reckon 90% of it is probably inconsequential rubbish (like this Blog) and a platform for the exchange of insults which you would probably not make to someone's face.
Still - the thought of attracting an audience of up to 35,000 is heady stuff, and with that in mine I'd like to say Good Morning to my own readers ... which, by reference to the regular comments this Blog receives, totals TWO. Good Morning Ladies! I hope you'll be the first to tell me that size doesn't matter - it's quality not quantity that counts.
Onwards and upwards.
Vincent van Gogh (reportedly) sold only ONE painting during his lifetime.
I believe you cannot judge a person's talent or worth by the number of friends or fickle fans they have.
I believe quality IS more important than quantity.
With love,
From a high quality friend.
LOL...Good morning or rather evening at this point.
I "ditto" Roberta's comments on so many levels.
Especially the judging of talent or quality of content based on the number of fans or followers.
Look at the Shrub for a prime example! Voted in TWICE? Sheesh!
I also agree with quality friends over quantity, I have a very small circle both online and off, I would consider them as some of the most witty, intelligent and empathetic people that I know.
Your friend....Marj
Hi Lionel
I check in frequently but have not left a comment before. Just wanted you to know there are at least 50 % more of us out here than you thought !!! :)
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