UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has added to the current debate over Muslim women wearing the full veil by supporting Burnley MP Jack Straw's assertion that they cause difficulties with communication and are a visible statement of being separate from mainstream British society.
My own view is that European society has bent over backwards in recent years to avoid "offending" Muslim society, in some cases to ridiculous excesses of "political correctness", e.g., some local authorities avoiding the use of the word "Christmas", and British Airways suspending an employeer for wearing a visible cross (even though items such as head scarves and turbans are permitted). It is about time, perhaps, that the Muslim community returned the compliment and started thinking about whether or not the rest of us are sometimes offended or made to feel uncomfortable, and I do place the wearing of the full veil in that category.
There are also security implications. We are not allowed to walk into a bank wearing a motor cycle crash helmet because we would be unidentifiable. The full veil is an equally good disguise for anyone bent on committing serious crime.
1 comment:
I agree that the courtesy and respect for religious customs seems to be a door that swings in one direction. Christian or other religions aren't allowed to have churches or temples in some Muslim countries. It's interesting here in the states, in Dearborn Michigan, not far from where I live is the largest Muslim population outside of the Middle East. The girls are at the mall veiled from the neck up and hoochied out from the neck down! Interesting clash of cultures there.
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