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04 April 2022


These people are keeping me awake at night:

VLADIMIR PUTIN megalomaniac obsessed with re-building the old Soviet Union by visiting atrocities on an innocent neighbouring country that once used to be part of it.

DONALD TRUMP megalomaniac who thinks he's still President and  believes VALDIMIR PUTIN'S invasion of Ukraine was an act of "Pure genius".

MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE American congresswoman who thinks DONALD TRUMP is still President, and regards Ukraine's President ZELENSKY as "A thug". Said Covid rules were like NAZI treatment of the Jews. Nutty as a fruitcake and dangerously ignorant.

RON DE SANTIS Florida Governor often described as "Trump 2.0", supporter of voter suppression and protest suppression, opponent of gay rights.

NIGEL FARAGE Rabble-rousing English nationalist who calls DONALD TRUMP "My friend"; a driving force behind the great Brexit scam by stoking fears of hordes of immigrants. 8 years ago he called VLADIMIR PUTIN "The World Leader he most admires". In fairness, he now thinks PUTIN is finished.

VIKTOR ORBAN Hungarian Nationalist, Prime Minister who's just won a fourth term, a critic of Ukraine's President ZELENSKY, and refuses to censure VLADIMIR PUTIN. Proud to be an autocratic, illiberal homophobic, and a perpetual thorn in the side of the EU.

BORIS JOHNSON UK Prime Minister; Imposed Covid Lockdown Rules on social gathering & contact with dying relatives, then broke his own rules with a series of parties at 10 Downing Street, subsequently denying all knowledge of them; expert in bluster & waffle; a serial liar.

All these people keep me awake at night because they are, (singly or in concert) an offence to my own beliefs on morality and civilised behaviour, and a danger to world peace. In my opinion we'd all be better off without them.


1 comment:

Larjmarj said...

Same here! I feel like the world has gone crazy and the inmates are in charge of the asylum. I am fearful of our upcoming mid-term elections. If R's take back the house there will no longer be a promise of accountability (I'm doubtful regardless). In addition they will try to re-install a handpicked candidate in the 2024 presidential election. Yes, I'm speaking of the orange Voldemort. Ugh, hope you are well. Thankfully medical cannabis is now legal in Michigan.

Lets add Le Pen to that list. She's a nightmare.